TychBuilder change history

Version 1.0 (April 2014)

  • First release.

Version 1.1 (June 2014)

  • Video layers are now fully supported. Adding all graphics to the timeline will allow you to create a layout that combines one or more movies with images, vector graphics and text.
  • Solid colour, gradient and pattern fill layers are now fully supported. They are always converted to smart objects to ensure that they retain their original aspect ratio when moved and scaled.
  • Documents containing a single layer are no longer prohibited. This is to enable a group of layouts, e.g. for designing pages for a photo book, to be created consistently, even when some of them contain only a single image.
  • A Quick-start guide has been added, accessed from the About TychBuilder dialog
  • The contents of the selected preset are now saved into the document in Photoshop as the layout is created, and can be retrieved using the Load from File button on the Edit dialog. Saving and retrieval are only supported in Photoshop 25.1 and later.
  • Pixel values on the Edit dialog are now always correctly converted into the selected units.
  • Behaviour when layout creation is cancelled has been improved.
  • Decisions around whether a layer should not have a stroke added because it uses a soft mask have been improved, especially when TychBuilder is called multiple times and layers are converted to smart objects (in Photoshop 25.1 and later only).
  • The messaging has been improved when the combination of preset values with the graphic shapes and group structure mean that a layout cannot be designed without distorting graphics. See Extreme variations in graphic sizes in the TychBuilder user guide.
  • A few cosmetic issues have been corrected.